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(2,382 found)

The Art of Coaching and Its Effect on Performance: Becoming a Better Coach

January 28, 2013


In this lecture from the NSCA's 2013 Coaches Conference, Dr. Brian Gearity talks about the impact that coaching can have on athletic performance.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Athletic Performance Coaching Coaching Philosophy Coaching Performance Impact of Coaching 2013-Coaches-Conference

Cluster Sets - Current Methods for Introducing Variations to Training Sets

June 25, 2016


Learn about cluster sets, and how they can be used in program design for optimal athletic development. Greg Haff, President of the NSCA, shares examples of various set structures in this session from the NSCA 2016 National Conference.

Coaches Program design weight training cluster sets strength and conditioning program design

Plyometric Implementation: Setup and Execution of Jump Landing Positions to Decrease Likelihood of Injuries

May 1, 2016


Learn optimal setup, execution, and landing mechanics to maximize power output and to best prepare the joint structures to tolerate greater stresses later in training. In this session from the NSCA 2016 TSAC Annual Training, Loren Landow identifies progressions based on competency and ability—from low amplitude, bilateral jumps to single-leg deceleration drills.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design corrective exercise Plyometics Power Development Landing Mechanics Bilateral Jumps Plyometric Progressions

Integration of Women into the World of Modern Warfighter

April 29, 2013


Dr. William Kraemer, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, and Tunde Szivak, MA, presented at the 2013 TSAC Conference on the integration of women into the world of modern war fighting, and discussed their physiology and social/psychology.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development social/psychology women Physiology Women in Modern War TSAC Tactical Athlete

Resistance Training for the Aging Adult: An Evidence-Based Approach

March 25, 2013


Brent Alvar, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D, spoke at the NSCA's 2013 Personal Trainer conference on the evidence supporting resistance training for older adults.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Exercise Programming Resistance Training for Older Adults

7 Secret Weapons for Fitness Professionals’ Sales Success

October 31, 2015


The “7 Secret Weapons to Sales Success” were developed through interviewing some of the most successful personal trainers in the country, capturing the most relevant concepts from over a dozen sales books, and, most importantly, applying these concepts in the field with actual trainers. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Robert Lewis Jr. empowers fitness professionals to take their career to new heights.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development business of personal training sales success personal training

Dynamic Warm–Up Movement Assessment™ (DWMA)

July 1, 2016


Traditional movement screens are not always feasible when working with a multitude of athletes with time limitations. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference, Michael Bewley demonstrates how to implement the Dynamic Warm–Up Movement Assessment™, which is a succinct way to pinpoint movement deficiencies and apply correctives for an entire group at once.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Movement Screening Dynamic Warmup Athlete Assessment DWMA

Training Methods for the Hockey Athlete

July 29, 2012


Paul Goodman, MS, CSCS, USAW, spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference about developing the hockey athlete.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Hockey Training Ice Hockey

Firehouse Injury Prevention Strategies

April 29, 2013


John Hofman, CSCS, MS, spoke at the NSCA's 2013 TSAC Conference on preventing injury when providing firefighters with an in-house training program. In this hands-on presentation, John demonstrates exercises and prevention strategies.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Firefighters TSAC Injury Prevention In house Training

Back to Basics: A Common Sense Approach to Coaching the Special Forces Tactical Athlete

June 25, 2016


Understand why the strength and conditioning basics work, how they work, and how they elicit the desired performance outcomes. In this session from the 2016 TSAC Annual Training, Brandon Stone identifies buzzwords like mental toughness, work capacity, and regeneration, as well as how those are integrated into training the program at the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design regeneration work capacity mental toughness strength and conditioning tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F TSAC

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