Recertification FAQs

To help you navigate the NSCA recertification process, we have compiled answers to the most common questions we receive about maintaining your certification.

General Recertification Questions

  • When will I get my new certificate?

    The NSCA will begin to allow access to the new digital certificates in December 2025 through April 2027, depending on when recertification was completed and if selected for audit. The earlier recertification was completed, the sooner you will have access to your new certificate.

    Get information about how to view and use the new digital certificate and badge. Learn More.

  • What if I have extenuating circumstances during this reporting cycle?

    An appeal process is available for individuals that have had a significant hardship (e.g. documented disability, military deployment, serious illness, etc.) that prevented them from completing their recertification on time. Appeals will be reviewed and decided on by the Certification Committee.

    To file an appeal, please complete the NSCA Appeal Form and include the reason for the appeal. Be sure to share any documentation you feel is relevant.

    Appeals will be accepted February 1, 2027-March 15, 2027 for the Spring Certification Committee meeting and appeal review.

    NOTE: Appeals cannot be accepted before the deadline to request an extension. If your appeal is related to the Covid-19 pandemic, a natural disaster or military deployment, please contact the recertification team for additional information about accommodation forms.

    Contact us at if you have questions.

    Complete Appeal Form
  • When I log into My Account, I do not see my certification(s)

    There are a few situations that may cause you not to see your certification:

    1. Have you created a new account because you could not sign in? The new account will not automatically connect to your certification information. Please contact to have your accounts merged.
    2. Your certification may have expired for not completing the recertification requirements or not complying with the NSCA audit for the 2021-2023 recertification cycle. Please contact if you think this applies to you.
    3. You may have not submitted your certification documents to complete your initial certification requirements, such as CPR/AED or official transcripts. If you recently passed the exam and received verification that your required documentation was received, and it has been more than 2 weeks, and do not see your credentials, please contact for more information.


    Check out the How-To Videos to help you understand how to navigate

    View How-To Videos
  • Can I renew my CPR/AED online?

    You can renew your CPR/AED certification through an online course, as long as it covers adult and includes a skills evaluation. If there is a lapse of CPR/AED certification, you would need to attend this course in person.

  • What is my scope of practice?

    Scope of practice for Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS®) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs, and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention. Recognizing that their area of expertise is separate and distinct, CSCSs consult with and refer athletes to other professionals when appropriate.

    Scope of practice for a National Strength & Conditioning Association NSCA-Certified Personal Trainers (NSCA-CPT®) are health/fitness professionals who, using an individualized approach, assess, motivate, educate and train clients regarding their personal health and fitness needs. A personal training certification will help to design safe and effective exercise programs, provide guidance to help clients achieve their personal health/fitness goals, and respond appropriately in emergency situations. Recognizing their own area of expertise, a personal trainer will refer clients to other health care professionals when appropriate.

    Scope of practice for Certified Performance and Sport Scientist® (CPSS®) specializes in the application of scientific processes to improve individual and team athletic performance and decrease injury risk. The CPSS may be either a generalist, working across the breadth of scientific disciplines, or a specialist practitioner, with training or applied experiences predominantly within one or more scientific disciplines relevant to sport science and sports performance.

    Scope of practice for Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitators® (TSAC-F®) apply scientific knowledge to physically train military, fire and rescue, law enforcement, protective services, and other emergency personnel to improve performance, promote wellness, and decrease injury risk. They conduct needs analyses and physical testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs, and provide general information regarding nutrition. Recognizing their area of expertise is separate and distinct, TSAC - Facilitators consult with and refer those they train to other professionals when appropriate. 

    Scope of practice for Certified Special Population Specialists® (CSPS®) are fitness professionals who, using an individualized approach, assess, motivate, educate, and train special population clients of all ages regarding their health and fitness needs, preventively, and in collaboration with healthcare professionals. They design safe and effective exercise programs, provide guidance to help clients achieve their personal health/fitness goals, and recognize and respond to emergency situations. Recognizing their own areas of expertise, CSPS receive referrals from and refer clients to other healthcare providers as appropriate.

  • I earned my certificate after July 2023, how do I recertify?

    You will not be required to recertify for the current recertification cycle ending December 31, 2023. You will be ‘grand-fathered’ into the next recertification cycle, and can begin to earn CEUs in January 2024. You will need to complete your recertification by December 31, 2026.

  • Will earning an additional NSCA certification complete my recertification?

    No, you will need to report the required amount of CEUs, and pay the recertification fee before the deadline, to maintain your NSCA certification(s). However, you may earn 2.0 CEUs for earning an additional NSCA certification. 

    Learn More
  • What is Recertification with Distinction (*D)?

    Recertification with Distinction is a recognition program that honors certified professionals who have shown exemplary involvement in the NSCA. This distinction is a step beyond standard recertification and is not required to maintain your NSCA certification; it is optional. The distinction will be applied to the following recertification cycle. If you complete recertification with distinction before the December 31, 2023 deadline, you will hold the *D during 2024-2026 and would need to renew every cycle if you wish to maintain that distinction.

    Learn More
  • I reported my CEUs and paid my fee, why am I still getting emails and letters from the NSCA that says my recertification is not complete?

    It could be that you have not completed all the steps. There are a few things to double check if you are still receiving recertification notices:

    1. Were all of your CEUs actually applied to your total required CEUs, or did you exceed a category maximum? Do you need to report CEUs in a different category?
    2. Did you pay a membership, insurance, or RSCC fee, instead of a recertification fee? These fees are all separate. Learn more about the different NSCA fees.
    3. Did you complete the recertification requirements within 1-2 weeks of receiving the notice? There is a small lapse of time from when the mailing list is pulled, to when the notices are actually sent out.
  • If I acquire more CEUs than required this reporting period, will they roll over to the next certification cycle?

    No, CEUs do not roll over. CEUs must be earned within the current reporting period.

  • Can I report CEUs for CPR/AED or BLS certification?

    No, CPR/AED or BLS certification is a separate requirement, and does not allow for CEUs.

  • Is there a grace period?

    No, all CEUs must be earned within the reporting cycle — before December 31, 2026.

  • What happens to my certification if I miss the recertification deadline?

    Your certification will expire, and you will need to either retake the exam to become certified again, or go through either the reinstatement or appeal process.

    Reinstatement: You may seek reinstatement at any time by petitioning the NSCA using the certification reinstatement form as long as CEUs were earned during the missed reporting period. CEUs cannot be earned after the recertification deadline. You must meet the conditions for reinstatement and pay the $200 reinstatement fee and any required recertification fees. If granted, you will retain your initial certification date.

    Appeal: Appeals are intended for individuals who have had extenuating circumstances during the missed reporting period and/or deadline. Examples: Serious illness (TBI, stroke, cancer, etc.), car accident that leads to change in lifestyle, or death in the immediate family. It can take a few months to receive a response and submitting an appeal does not provide guarantee of approval or exception.

    NOTE: If your appeal is related to a natural disaster or military deployment, please contact the recertification team at  for additional information about recertification amendment forms.

CEU Questions

  • How do I check my CEU status?

    As of May 9, 2023, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Login to your account.
    2. Click the certification tab.
    3. On the right side, click "Report CEUs".
    4. You will need to click through each category to see how many CEUs you currently have reported and how many are allowable. See the Certification Handbook to determine how many CEUs you need to recertify.

    For more detailed instructions, watch the FAQ video on checking CEU status.

    FAQ Video - Check CEU Status
  • What type of activities count for CEUs?

    The full list of acceptable activities are listed on the CEU Category page, but here is some additional information on the most common CEU activities.

    Live-streamed and attended courses do not have to be offered by the NSCA or be pre-approved to count for CEUs. If the course was physically attended or live-streamed, and falls within the scope of practice for NSCA certification held, then the hours are applicable for credit. Some examples that fall within the NSCA scope are exercise, injury prevention, anatomy/physiology, biomechanics, and/or nutrition.

    Clinical course hours will not be accepted for credit with the NSCA since those topics are considered to fall outside your scope of practice for the NSCA certification held. Some examples that fall outside of the NSCA scope are manual therapy, return to play, and diagnosing and/or fixing an injury.

    Attending Event sessions count applicable hours as 0.1 CEU per hour of attendance, with a maximum of 2.0 CEUs per event, under category A. An example of being able to report partial hours for a seminar are as follows: If you attend a 20-hour physical therapy conference, and the first 10 hours cover preventing an injury, and the next 10 hours cover fixing an injury, you would only be able to count the 10 hours on preventing and not the other. You would report 1.0 CEUs as attending a non-NSCA event.

    Online courses and recorded webinars must be pre-approved by the NSCA. You can find the list of pre-approved home study courses on the NSCA website here. Pre-approved online courses and recorded webinars fall under Category D, with a varying approved CEU amount. (Completed a Pre-Approved Home Study)

    If the online course is not on our list but still reflects the NSCA scope of practice, you can count it under Category D, Personal Development where you’re allowed 0.5 CEU per year. (Engaged in Personal Development)

    View CEU Activity Descriptions
  • Can I report CEUs for additional certifications?

    The NSCA can only allow CEUs for fitness, sport, or exercise nutrition certifications that are NCCA-accredited. You can check the status for all accredited certifications on the Institute for Credentialing Excellence website: If the certification is listed, then it can be reported as 1.0 CEUs in Category D. (Earned NCCA Certification)

  • Can I report CEUs for college courses?

    You can report CEUs for college courses that fall within the scope of practice for the NSCA certification held. The course(s) must have started after date of certification (during the current reporting period), and have been completed before the expiration date of December 31, 2020. Provided the course(s) you completed meets that criterion, you can record the activity in Category C, as “Completed Post-Certification College Course”. You may report 0.3 CEU per quarter credit hour or 0.5 CEU per semester credit hour (up to a maximum of 2.0 CEUs per course).

    The scope of practice will include areas that are covered on the NSCA exam, depending on which certification you hold, for example; Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Health/Wellness, Sport Psychology, Client Consultation and Assessment, Program Planning, Techniques of Exercise, Safety, Emergency Procedures and Legal Issues, Basic Nutrition, Special Populations, etc. Areas of study that DO NOT count include, but are not limited to, Surgery, Diagnosing, Radiology/Imaging, Business, Marketing, Finance, Statistics, etc.   

  • Can I report CPR/AED certification for CEUs?

    You can not receive CEUs for CPR/AED since it’s a separate requirement for certification.

  • Can I report CEUs for First Aid Certification?

    You can report 0.5 CEUs in Category C, for a First Aid, each time you certify/recertify a First Aid Certification.

    • We accept courses from organizations like the Red Cross, American Heart Association, National CPR foundation, etc.
    • BLS (Basic Life Support) course requires documentation that First Aid is included.
  • What is considered Personal Development?

    Personal Development includes any activity completed to keep current with the strength and conditioning and/or personal training fields that does not fall within another category. Some examples of activities include reading journals, magazines and books, listening to podcasts, completing a home study that is not pre-approved, participating in self-improvement courses, etc. ]

    You can report 0.5 CEU (or 5 contact hours) per year of the reporting period that you are certified. 

  • I have multiple certifications with NSCA. Do I need to earn CEUs for each certification?

    As long as the CEU activity date takes place after the date of your last NSCA certification earned, and during the current recertification cycle, you will get credit towards all NSCA certifications. If you completed activity prior to earning the additional NSCA certification, during the current recertification cycle, those CEUs would only be applied to the first certification held.

    For example: If you held the NSCA-CPT before January 1, 2021 and earned the CSCS on April 2, 2022, only the activities completed after April 2, 2022 would be applied towards both certifications. If you completed an activity on June, 3, 2021, those CEUs would only be applied to the NSCA-CPT.

    Please note that a recertification fee will need to be paid for each certification held. You may email, if you need further clarification.

  • Do I need CEUs from more than one category?

    Individuals certified before January 1, 2021 must report their CEUs from at least two different categories. Category Maximums do apply. You can find a chart of category maximums on the website and on your CEU reporting page. Note: CEUs do not need to be earned in every category.

    View Category Maximums Chart
  • What happens if I fail a quiz?

    You will have to purchase and take the quiz again if you scored lower than 70.

  • What CEU documentation do I need, and where do I send it?

    Documentation is only required if you are selected for the random audit, or are requesting an appeal or reinstatement.  If you are selected for the random audit please see page 5 of the Recertification Policies and Procedures or on the NSCA Audit page for information on what type of documentation is required.

CEU Reporting Questions

  • How do I report my CEUs?

    As of May 9, 2023, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Login to your NSCA account
    2. Click the certification tab.
    3. On the right side, click "Report CEUs".
    4. You will then be able to choose which Category to report CEUs into.
    5. Each Category section has instructions at the top of the page. Scroll down to see how many CEUs you currently have reported and how many are allowable. See the Certification Handbook to determine how many CEUs you need to recertify.
    6. Click "Add" to add a new entry.
    7. Be sure to include all information before clicking "Save".
    8. Once all required CEUs are entered, along with your CPR/AED certification, you will be able to make your recertification payment.

    For more detailed instructions, watch the FAQ video on Reporting CEUs.

    *Please note: Some activities will have a fixed CEU amount that cannot be adjusted.

    Watch FAQ Video - Reporting CEUs
  • How do i report CPR/AED Certification?

    Having a current CPR/AED certification is a requirement to maintain your NSCA certification.

    • When you go through the recertification application, please ensure you provide the most current and up to date CPR/AED information.
    • You will be required to upload a copy of your current CPR/AED certification.
    • You can renew your CPR/AED certification through an online course, as long as it covers adult and includes a skills evaluation. If there is a lapse of CPR/AED certification, you would need to attend this course in person.
    • You do not receive CEUs (continuing education units) for CPR/AED since it’s a requirement for certification.
  • How do I report CEUs for an NSCA quiz that I have passed?

    NSCA activities will be reported for you. Quiz CEUs will be automatically applied to your account upon passing with a score of 70 or higher.

  • How do I report CEUs for my role as a volunteer with the NSCA?

    Volunteer CEUs are added once a year by NSCA staff, after 1 full year has been served in an NSCA volunteer leadership position.

  • How do I report CEUs for publishing an article in an NSCA publication?

    NSCA publication CEUs are added during the month that the article is published in an NSCA publication. Please note that CEUs are not applied for articles that are published ahead of print.

  • How do I report CEUs for passing the USADA or SafeSport quiz/certificate, for another organization's requirement?

    Please send in a certificate of completion to to have those CEUs added to your account.

  • Why don’t I see my CEUs for attending an NSCA event?

    NSCA event CEUs are usually added to your account within 1-2 weeks from the date of the event. (They are not automatically added upon completion of attendance; rather they are manually entered by NSCA staff.) Note: You do have the option to add the CEUs to your account, if you would like to complete recertification before they are added.

Still have questions?

The best way to get answers to your question is to e-mail us at  We will respond within 24 hours.

Contact us at

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