Client Assessments—Breathing

by Daniel Flahie, MSEd, CSCS
Personal Training Quarterly January 2019
Vol 3, Issue 5


Assessing clients is a vital component of the personal training experience. This article gives an overview of breathing mechanics and how to apply proper breathing exercises into a client’s assessment and program.

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This article originally appeared in Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)—a quarterly publication for NSCA Members designed specifically for the personal trainer. Discover easy-to-read, research-based articles that take your training knowledge further with Nutrition, Programming, and Personal Business Development columns in each quarterly, electronic issue. Read more articles from PTQ »



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About the author

Daniel Flahie, MSEd, CSCS

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Daniel Flahie is currently the Program Director and Assistant Professor of Exercise Science and Health and an Assistant Track and Field Coach at Mount ...

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