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Employee or Independent Contractor? Guidelines for Classifying Workers

November 27, 2020

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Some positions within the fitness industry can be tricky to classify. This article helps businesses decipher the difference between a hired employee and an independent contracted position.

Personal trainers Legal Issues Professional Development Independent Contractor Employees Taxes Audits

The Effects of Altitude on Training and Racing Performance in Endurance Athletes

November 13, 2020

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The goal of this article is to define some of the basic physiological responses to acute and chronic altitude exposure and to provide some evidence-based, practical guidelines when approaching training and racing at higher altitudes.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design High Altitude Sea Level Endurance Performance Carbohydrate Intake Hydration

Kids Must Strength Train – A Call to Action

November 6, 2020

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This article discusses the impact and importance of resistance training with kids on their mental and physiological health and well-being.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Resistance Training Youth Athleticism SAID Principle Motor Development

Common Medications that Lifters Over 40 Take, and How they Affect Exercise and Nutrition

October 30, 2020


This article aims to offer guidance on the effects of certain medications, as well as help personal trainers and their clients in the consultation process with qualified physicians and pharmacists.

Personal trainers Nutrition Supplements Resistance Training Statins Beta Blockers ACE Inhibitors Blood Sugar Medications NSAIDS Acid Blockers

Training Clients with Shoulder Injury – Modifications and Considerations

October 13, 2020

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This article sheds some knowledge on shoulder exercise modifications and progressions that can help reduce the risk of re-injury and maximize performance for clients.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Exercise Technique Program design Shoulder Scapula Shoulder Anatomy Range of Motion

From the Field – A Closer Look at Squat Variations

September 18, 2020

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This article briefly explains different squat variations, as well as how they differ from a physics and biomechanics standpoint.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Barbell Back Squat Front Squat Knee Stability Posterior Chain

Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training for Athletic, General, and Clinical Populations

August 14, 2020

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The goal of this brief review is to describe what classifies as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and summarize the potential benefits for various populations: athletic, general, and clinical.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design HIIT Maximal Aerobic Capacity Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training Tabata

Strength Zone Training – True Full Range of Motion Strength Training

July 17, 2020

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This article discusses how personal trainers can utilize the strength zone training system in order to develop true full range of motion strength, and thus help clients perform better and further reduce injury risk.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Range of Motion Isolation Exercises Joint Movement Mechanical Tension

Muscle Extensibility Testing for the Lower Extremity – A Review for the Personal Trainer

June 5, 2020


The purpose of this article is to provide personal trainers with a review of common muscle extensibility tests of the lower extremity.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment Muscle Extensibility Flexibility Mobility Client Assessment

Correcting Misconceptions in the Knowledge of Personal Trainers

May 29, 2020

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The aim of this article is to review the research into the knowledge of personal trainers, their misconceptions, and to provide evidence-based strategies to help correct any misconceptions.

Personal trainers Professional Development Critical Thinking Personal Trainers Professional Development

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