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The 5 Stages of a Fitness Business Owner’s Journey

February 18, 2019

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Ryan Ketchum describes the five stages of a fitness business owner’s journey as an individual transitions from a fitness professional to a fitness business owner.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Marketing Business Management

Is a Higher Protein Intake Associated with Health Concerns? Effect on Bone and Kidneys

February 11, 2019

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In this article, Mike Nelson addresses two stubborn myths associated with increased protein intake and negative effects: kidney issues and bone loss.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Nutrition Protein Intake Health Concerns

Sedentariness, Deconditioning, and Practical Considerations for Personal Trainers

January 28, 2019

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This article summarizes current populations and descriptions of sedentariness and deconditioning, and offers practical considerations for personal trainers working with these behaviors.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Deconditioning Sedentary Clients Sedentariness Client Behaviors

Post-Rehabilitation Programming—Lateral Ankle Sprains

January 22, 2019

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Ankle sprains are an extremely common injury of both sports and everyday life. In the post-rehabilitation setting, it is important to first identify and then address deficits in ankle, hip, and knee range of motion and strength.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Lateral Ankle Sprain Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation

How Much Protein Do Resistance Training Athletes Need?

January 15, 2019


Consumption of dietary protein by athletes is a common intervention to maximize gains in muscle and strength, and to improve body composition. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current research on the optimal amount of dietary protein for resistance training athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Protein Nutrition for Athletes Protein Amounts Strength Training

Client Assessments—Breathing

January 8, 2019

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Assessing clients is a vital component of the personal training experience. This article gives an overview of breathing mechanics and how to apply proper breathing exercises into a client’s assessment and program.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Client Consultation|Assessment Client Assessments Breathing Mechanics Box Breathing

The Sales Presentation—An In-Depth Look and Building a Customized System for Success

December 31, 2018


Beyond the programming, exercise technique, and human physiology, it is also important to create a customized system for sales success. Re-framing the purpose of the sales presentation in the proper light and creating a customized system that will allow a fitness professional to sell their services with integrity can allow them to help more clients.

Personal trainers Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Business Sales Sales Presentation

Understanding the Physiological Limiting Factors of VO2max

December 17, 2018

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Determining VO2max can be useful in all areas of health, from potential diagnosis of heart disease in the elderly to measuring peak performance in elite athletes. This article will discuss the physiological limiting factors of VO2max and the role each plays in cardiovascular improvement.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Vo2 Max Aerobic Capacity Aerobic Training Cardiovascular Training

4 Keys to Delivering an Unforgettable Experience

December 3, 2018

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Creating life changing experiences takes time and does not often happen overnight. Sometimes it can be one mind-blowing experience but more often than not it is a series of great experiences delivered over a period of time that leads clients to settle on a fitness home and become raving fans.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Business

Programming the General Population for Optimal Fitness—10 Important Movement Patterns

November 26, 2018

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Developing a program for a general population client requires understanding their movement needs. Expand your training programs by implementing all ten of the major human movement patterns.

Personal trainers Program design Movement Pattern General Population Fitness Programming

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