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Low Back Pain—The Mobility-Stability Continuum

August 13, 2018


Nearly all fitness professionals are forced to address low back pain (LBP) to some extent, regardless of the age or population with which they work. The purpose of this article is to shed light on contemporary research surrounding LBP.

Personal trainers Program design Mobility Lower Back Pain Mobility for Lower Back Stability Stability for Lower Back

The Undervalued Lunge

Learning to lunge correctly can strengthen the lower body musculature, improve core stability and balance, enhance hip flexibility, and increase functionality. There are a plethora of modifications and progressions to consider.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Lunge Core Stability Lunge Progression Lower Body Exercise

Incorporating Variety with Bulgarian Bags

March 3, 2018


This article presents ways to add variety to workouts using Bulgarian Bags as an alternative to kettlebells. It also provides an effective sample Bulgarian Bag program.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design bulgarian bags personal training kettlebell training

Features, Benefits, and Results—How to Differentiate Yourself in a Competitive Market

October 1, 2014


By understanding the differences between features, benefits, and results, along with how they impact current or potential clients, personal trainers can separate themselves from the rest of the pack and ensure long-term success of their business.

Personal trainers Professional Development personal training personal training business marketing for personal trainers

Optimizing Athletic Performance—Are Carbohydrates Necessary?

April 1, 2013


Before sports nutritionists and coaches begin prescribing unconventional eating recommendations to athletes, it is important to consider the scientific evidence supporting a low-carbohydrate diet for boosting athletic performance.

Personal trainers Nutrition Low-carbohydrate diet paleo diet carbs carbohydrates

Beetroot Juice Supplementation and Exercise

January 1, 2013


This article addresses possible benefits, proposed mechanisms, dosage, and frequency of beetroot juice as an ergogenic aid.

Personal trainers Nutrition ergogenic aid supplement Beetroot juice

Disrupting Unhealthy Habits with Environmental Modifications

April 1, 2015


Because habits are contextually linked, it is reasonable to suggest that modifying the environment may disrupt the habit process and allow conscious intention to guide behavior. This article focuses on providing practical recommendations to aid individuals with intentions to exercise and eat healthy to reach their goals in the face of undesirable habits.

Personal trainers Nutrition Program design environmental modification personal training behavior modification healthy habits

Core Development through the Use of Sled Training

April 2, 2016


Using the sled closely mimics real-time sports performance movements and activities because of the horizontal resistance opposing the vertical movements typically seen in a weight room setting. This article highlights a variety of sled training exercises designed to target the core musculature.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design personal training core training Sled training

Utilizing Battling Rope Exercises for HIIT and SMIT

June 4, 2016


Battling rope exercises can be used as a metabolic training modality following a comprehensive resistance training workout to increase the client’s heart rate and help maximize the metabolic cost of the training session.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design interval training HIIT high intensity interval trainin metabolic training battling ropes exercises monster ropes exercises strength training battling ropes monster ropes

Resistance Training and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement— Considerations for Prosthesis and Client Safety

April 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Historically, patients who undergo reverse total shoulder arthroplasty/ replacement (rTSA) procedures receive much stricter activity limitations for sports and resistance training endeavors in comparison to the traditional total shoulder arthroplasty/replacement. This may cause confusion amongst personal trainers about safety as it relates to designing resistance training programs for these patients.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning reverse total shoulder arthroplasty shoulder replacement

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