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Training Considerations for Rowing Athletes

October 1, 2014

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This article looks at the four phases of the rowing stroke: the catch, drive, finish, and recovery. A sample resistance training program that addresses all four phases is included.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design rowing strength training weight training Training for rowing

The Training Trap—Building Financial Freedom in an Appointment-Based Career

April 1, 2015

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The career path of a personal trainer inherently presents a certain amount of instability and unpredictability, but this does not have to last. There is no reason that personal trainers cannot make great money, afford health insurance, save for retirement, and create more freedom in their lives.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal trainer income how to become a personal trainer personal training

Clinical Application of Eccentric Training

March 1, 2015

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This article addresses the implications and clinical applications of eccentric training. It also provides general exercise guidelines and future directions of eccentric training.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Eccentric training

What it Takes to Survive and Thrive as a Fitness Studio Owner

July 1, 2016

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It is no secret that it takes a lot to differentiate yourself in today’s competitive market. But what does it truly take for a fitness studio owner to thrive in this industry? What are the strategies necessary to deploy that get you to the next level?

Personal trainers Organization and Administration NSCA-CPT small business Fitness studio

The Millennial Effect and the Rise of the Fitness Studio Industry

April 1, 2016

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How are fitness studios with 8,000 – 9,000 sq ft able to survive? One way is to carve out a niche in this competitive and crowded industry.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal training business

How to Leverage Industry Leading Market Research for a Fitness Studio

July 1, 2015

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One of the most important elements of running a fitness studio, no matter the discipline or the size, is understanding the competitive landscape. Gaining a key perspective on what is happening not only in the market, but also in the fitness industry as a whole, can provide owners and managers with the insight necessary to uncover the data and trends for their business to thrive.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration market research personal training how to become a personal trainer fitness studio

Top Ways to Drive Traffic to a Fitness Business

January 1, 2015

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For fitness business owners, marketing is understanding the audience and being able to craft stories that capture their attention. This article includes recommendations of ways to get current clients more engaged, as well as reach out to new clients.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal training business personal training career how to grow my personal training business how to become a certified personal trainer how to become a personal trainer personal trainers Personal training

How the Member Experience Impacts Your Bottom Line

October 1, 2014

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At the end of the day, remember one thing: it is all about the member/client experience. Provide your clients with the best member experience and they will stay and continue to pay.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration how to be a successful personal trainer how to grow your personal training business Personal training business

The Importance of Setting up Systems for a Small Fitness Business

April 1, 2014

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This article explains how having the right systems in place (such as accounting, training, and marketing) can help a personal trainer take his or her business to the next level.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration personal trainer career set up a personal training business become a personal trainer

Tendinopathy and a Preventative Management Strategy for the Strength and Conditioning Professional

April 2, 2014

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Tendinopathy is a pathological condition that occurs when a tendon is repeatedly injured and degenerately breaks down. Specific exercise programming may help prevent tendinitis from occurring.

Personal trainers Program design Safety Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease tendinopathy preventing overuse injuries tendon injury Tendinitis

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