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Exercise Science

(468 found)

Metabolic Resistance Training: The Primary Principle

July 30, 2012


Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT, spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference on the primary principle of metabolic resistance training.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design metabolic total body squats rows large muscle groups

Metabolic Resistance Training: Optimize the Fat-Burning Effects

July 30, 2012


Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT, spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference on optimizing the fat-burning effects of metabolic resistance training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design high intensity high reps short rest increased calorie burn

Order of Exercises: Training in a Fatigued State

May 1, 2015


Joe Kenn, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC, spoke at the NSCA's National Conference about training and the impact of training in a fatigued state.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design conditioning power endurance fatigue

Managing Fatigue as a Strength Coach Joe Kenn, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC, spoke at the NSCA's National Confere

July 30, 2012


Joe Kenn, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC, spoke at the NSCA's National Conference about managing fatigue in players.

Coaches Exercise Science fatigue planning ahead

Developing Athletes and Designing Programs

May 1, 2015


Joe Kenn, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC, spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference choosing the appropriate exercises to develop athletes and design programs.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design exercise selection deadlift mobility

What is Metabolic Resistance Training?

July 30, 2012


Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT provides a brief overview of Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT).

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science metabolic resistance training

What is EPOC and Why is it Useful for Fat Loss

July 30, 2012


Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT provides a brief overview of Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and its impact on fat loss.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science EPOC intensity fat loss

Training Intensity for Maximum Results

July 30, 2012


Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT discusses training intensity for maximum results.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design intensity high intensity calorie burn

Utilization of Technology for In-Season On-Ice and Off-Ice Programming

July 1, 2016


Justin Roethlingshoefer, Strength and Conditioning Coach at Miami University, talks about ways to utilize global positioning systems (GPS) and heart rate technology to identify and adjust loads for in-season time periods—and keep players fit and healthy—without creating fatigue. This is a recording of a session from the NSCA’s 2016 Hockey Clinic.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Technology in Strength and Conditioning Ice Hockey GPS monitoring Heart Rate Monitoring Metrics for Load Monitoring

Hypertrophy Loading Zones: How Incorporating Light Weights can Translate into Greater Gains

October 31, 2014


Lighter weights can translate to bigger muscles, Brad Schoenfeld says in this lecture from the NSCA's 2014 Personal Trainer Conference. Brad presents one of his latest studies, which looks at hypertrophy in trained subjects.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design personal training Hypertrophy Loading Zones Training Volume Hypertrophy Training

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