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Exercise Science

(468 found)

The Movement Perfection Process

July 31, 2014


According to Shawn Myszka, if we optimize on-field movement efficiency, we can maximize athletic performance. Shawn spoke during the NSCA's 2014 National Conference on the importance of mastering the fundamentals of movement. Don't just work to change strength characteristics, he says - change behavior because behavior becomes patterns.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Athletic performance Fundamental Movements Movement Efficiency Change Behavior Behavior Patterns

Monitoring Fatigue from A to Z

February 2, 2015


All stressors affect training, Dr. Bryan Mann says in this lecture from Coaches Conference 2015. No matter the source of the stress - strength training, conditioning, classes, relationship or family - stress is systemic within the body. As a result, it is critical to monitor the stress load on your athletes to ensure maximal results, and it's easy to do - all you need is a pencil and paper.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design transverse plane power production exercise assessment movement assessment

Anti-Aging Exercise Program Design Strategies

October 31, 2014


Learn how strength and power training can help your clients boost production of the hormones that many consider to be the “fountain of youth.”

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Pete McCall program design anti-aging exercises

Gut Health and its Impact on Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

October 31, 2015


In this session from the 2015 Personal Trainers Conference, dietitian Dawn Weatherwax explains how the health of the digestive system affects overall health. Learn how gastrointestinal health impacts fat loss and muscle gain, the signs and symptoms of poor gut health, and foods and supplements that have been shown to have a positive impact on gut integrity.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition nutrition Gut Health Fat Loss Muscle Gain supplements

Nutrition for Women: Optimizing Fat Loss and Body Composition Goals

October 31, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, dietitian Dawn Weatherwax discusses how knowing a client’s body composition can help in setting nutrition and training guidelines. Weatherwax reviews nutrient timing; eating the right mix of carbs, fats, and proteins at the right times; and other important facts that may impact a client’s outcomes.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Nutrition Body Composition Fat Loss Nutrient Timing

Hands-On – Building Muscle without Weights

November 2, 2015


Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to “pump iron” to build muscle. In this session from the NSCA’s 2015 Personal Trainers Conference, Nick Tumminello explains that to build muscle you need to create a training stimulus that elicits the three mechanisms for muscle growth. In other words, building muscle is not about the specific exercises you do, it is about the specific stimulus you create.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design personal trainers building muscle body weight training muscle growth

Performance through Durability: Integrating Strength and Conditioning in a Sports Performance Department

January 30, 2016


The ability of strength and conditioning professionals to bridge the gap between sports medicine and coaching is the focus of this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference. Coach Ted Perlak explains why coaches should take into account the “why” and the “how” more so than the “what.”

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development strength coach strength and conditioning technique exercise selection

Supramaximal Eccentric Strength Training

July 30, 2015


Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, Head and Chair for Sport Sciences at the Institute of Sport Sciences at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main in Frankfurt, Germany—and one of the world’s leading experts on strength and power training—explains the influencing factors of force production in eccentric muscle actions. Schmidtbleicher made a rare appearance in the United States at the NSCA’s 2015 National Conference.

Coaches Exercise Science eccentrics force production

Sports Science: The Brain-Body Connection

April 28, 2016


Develop a better understanding of the brain’s role on exercise and recovery for the tactical athlete, and learn how to identify and implement heart rate variability (HRV) markers for prescribing recovery strategies. Presented by Mark Stephenson, Director of the Human Performance Program at a special operations unit for the Department of Defense, at the NSCA’s 2016 TSAC Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science heart rate variability stress recovery strategies

Essentials of Heart Rate Variability for Personal Trainers

October 31, 2015


Heart rate variability (HRV) testing is at the forefront of a wave of cutting-edge assessment tools that are becoming available to the personal trainer. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Carmine Grieco provides an overview of the physiological background and dynamics of HRV, including the most current supportive evidence, with an emphasis on the practical application for personal trainers.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment Personal Training Heart Rate Variability HRV Assessment Tools

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