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Implications for Training in Youth: Is Specialization Benefiting Kids?

May 1, 2017


Early sports specialization has been a controversial topic in the field of sports medicine, training, and conditioning. Recent studies report increased sports-related injuries in single-sport specialized athletes compared with multisport specialized athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Sports specialization youth training youth strength training infographics

Injury Prevention in Youth Athletes: A Summary in 9 Key Points

May 1, 2017


Single-sport specialized training has led to an emerging risk of overuse injury and burnout. Here are nine things coaches and parents can do to minimize the risk of injury in youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Safety youth training sport specialization injury prevention burnout youth training guidelines infographics

Maximal Sprint Performance in Male Youth: Predicting Factors, Training Stimuli, and Performance Outcomes

May 1, 2017


Learn about the anthropometric, kinematic, kinetic, and asymmetric variables that contribute to sprint performance, as well as how a coach can design effective speed development programs for male youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science speed development youth training youth athletes sprint performance infographics

The Effects of Strength Training on Running Economy in Highly Trained Runners

May 1, 2017


A review of the literature concludes that a strength training program including low-intensity to high-intensity resistance exercises and plyometric exercises performed 2 – 3 times per week for 8 – 12 weeks is an appropriate strategy to improve running economy in highly trained middle- and long-distance runners.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique running economy infographics

Squat versus Hip Thrust: Effects on Performance

May 1, 2017


Is the squat or hip thrust a better exercise for increasing jump and sprint performance? The results of this study support the force vector theory.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique hip thrust squat vertical jump infographics

Concurrent Training in Prepubescent Children

May 1, 2017


The results of this study suggest that concurrent training in two different sessions seems to be an effective and useful method for training-induced explosive strength and VO2max in prepubescent children.

Coaches Exercise Science concurrent training youth training children infographics

Youth Resistance Training

August 24, 2018


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recognizes and supports the premise that many of the benefits associated with adult resistance training programs are attainable by children and adolescents who follow age-specific resistance training guidelines.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Resistance Training infographics Youth Programming

Training Methods and Considerations for Practitioners to Reduce Interlimb Asymmetries

June 1, 2017


Do interlimb asymmetries impact performance and what are some training programs to reduce them?

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design infographics asymmetrics Asymmetries

The Role of Kettlebells in Strength and Conditioning

June 1, 2016


Studies support the use of kettlebells for improving power, although evidence for using them to improve strength and aerobic fitness is still equivocal. Studies investigating the biomechanical properties of kettlebell training have been fruitful, and it may be useful for developing sprint running performance and for injury prevention.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design infographics kettlebell

Effects of Plyometric Training on Sports Performance

May 1, 2017


Plyometric training is a series of explosive bodyweight resistance exercises using the stretch-shortening cycle of the muscle fiber to enhance physical capacities, such as speed, strength, and power. These physiological measures translate to improved performance in many sports, including court-based sports, field sports, and water sports.

Coaches Exercise Science Plyometrics infographics

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