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(2,383 found)

Basic Nutritional Recommendations for the Female Athlete Looking to Lose Body Fat

May 1, 2017


Women are at greater risk for body dissatisfaction and disordered eating than men with the goal of achieving top sport performance and physical condition. It is important to provide proper referrals for female athletes requiring nutritional guidance to improve their body composition or with a need to lose weight.

Coaches Nutrition nutrition weight loss body composition female athletes infographics

Hamstring Electromyography during Kettlebell Swings

June 1, 2017


According to a recent study, the hip hinge kettlebell swing produced the greatest amount of hamstring surface electromyography of the three styles of kettlebell swings that were assessed. These findings have implications for the application of kettlebell swing exercises in strength and conditioning, injury prevention, and rehabilitation programs.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique infographics Kettlebell hamstring rehabilitation

Evidence-Based Guidelines for Resistance Training Volume to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy

June 1, 2016


The manipulation of resistance training (RT) variables is widely considered an essential strategy to maximize muscular adaptations. One variable that has received substantial attention in this regard is RT volume. This infographic provides evidence-based guidelines as to volume when creating RT programs designed to maximize muscle hypertrophy.

Coaches Exercise Science infographics hypertrophy

Case Study: Sleep and Injury in Elite Soccer

June 1, 2017


Is there a link between sleep and injury occurrence? This infographic summarizes a case study that examines the link between sleep and injury occurrence in an elite male soccer player.

Coaches Exercise Science infographics sleep injury recovery

The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best-Practices Recommendations

May 30, 2014


This consensus statement provides specific conditioning recommendations with the intent of ending conditioning-related morbidity and deaths of secondary school athletes. Most deaths in sports are preventable; our charge is to meet this expectation.

Coaches Safety Emergency Procedures high school athletics sudden death safety concerns exertional heat stroke sudden cardiac arrest exertional sickling hs-coaching

The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Collegiate Conditioning Sessions

May 1, 2017


This consensus statement provides specific conditioning recommendations with the intent of ending conditioning-related morbidity and deaths of collegiate athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Safety collegiate conditioning rhabdomyolysis safety National Athletic Trainers’ Association

Practical Application for Long-Term Athletic Development

May 28, 2012


Learn about the framework for practical, functional, and sequential skill development for a “best practices” model. This model is designed to develop a movement vocabulary, physical literacy, and movement skills for improved athleticism.

Coaches Exercise Science athletic long-term youth skill development movement movement skills athleticism physical literacy skill building

Why Youth Strength and Conditioning Matters

June 1, 2017


Providing a safe and effective youth strength and conditioning program is only the foundation of their long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Training Srength and Conditioning Coaching LTAD Athletic Development

NSCA Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development

June 1, 2017


The official position statement of the NSCA on long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design LTAD long-term athletic development youth training youth sports physical literacy youth physical development

NSCA Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines

June 1, 2017

Article CEU

The NSCA Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines is intended to help identify areas of risk exposure, increase safety and decrease the likelihood of injuries that might lead to claims, and ultimately improve the standard of care being offered. This is a valuable resource for every strength and conditioning coach.

Coaches Organization and Administration guidelines coaching resources strength and conditioning Standards

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