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Selecting Metrics That Matter: Comparing the Use of the Countermovement Jump for Performance Profiling, Neuromuscular Fatigue Monitoring, and Injury Rehabilitation Testing

Quiz CATD 0.2

The countermovement jump (CMJ) is one of the most used performance assessments in strength and conditioning. Although numerous studies discuss the usability of different metrics in this test, this is often performed within the context of a specific aim. However, to our knowledge, no information currently exists providing practitioners with some over-arching recommendations on which metrics to choose when the purpose of using the test differs. This article discusses how the metrics selected to monitor during CMJ testing may differ when aiming to use it as a proxy for athletic performance, as part of neuromuscular fatigue monitoring, or as part of a test battery for return to performance in injured athletes.

Older People Trip, Some Fall—A Program to Decrease Seniors’ Fall Risk

Quiz CATD 0.2

Falls resulting from trips are a leading cause of injury and can sometimes result in death, especially in the older population. Numerous researchers have studied the biomechanical mechanisms that differentiate fallers from nonfallers and determined whether training can beneficially impact those outcomes. Exercise and task-specific interventions have demonstrated fewer falls after trips but can be costly and often require specialized equipment, making their applicability less practical. Qualified health and fitness practitioners can develop evidence-informed, exercise-based programs focusing on 3 components (balance training, task-specific training, and resistance exercise). Such programs may help to reduce fall risk in older adults based on previously documented studies identifying the biomechanical demands of a successful fall arrest after a trip perturbation. These multicomponent programs should include a safe task-specific training element that does not require specialized equipment.

Making Sense of Asymmetry in Sport Performance and S&C Research

Quiz CATD 0.2

In this video from the 2022 NSCA National Conference, Chris Bailey discusses monitoring, quantifying, and other relevant research in regard to asymmetries in sport performance.

Coaches’ Guide to Sports Burnout

February 2, 2024

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to provide clarity and give an overview of sports burnout as it pertains to both athletes and coaches.

Coaches Exercise Science Sports Burnout Support Exhaustion Communication

Design of Endurance Resistance Training

February 2, 2024


This excerpt briefly explains the steps to create a resistance training plan for endurance athletes.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Endurance Resistance Training Mesocycles Microcycles

Kenna Smoak-Minnici - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 21


Get to know the 2024 NSCA Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year, Kenna Smoak-Minnici. After accepting her award at the 2024 Coaches Conference, she connects with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about the unique coaching rigors at the prestigious military academy, Army West Point. The episode goes beyond the demands of sport-specific training to developing student-athletes and leaders for sustained success in the military. Smoak-Minnici highlights the role of family along her journey as an athlete and strength and conditioning coach, as well as the importance of always pushing yourself to go beyond the norm. Connect with Kenna on Instagram at: @kenna_minnici or LinkedIn: @kenna-smoak-minnici | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Did you enjoy the episode? Don’t forget to nominate a deserving strength and conditioning coach for an NSCA Coach of the Year Award at NSCA Awards.

Coaches Professional Development

Womens Mentorship Program


The purpose of the program is to support, develop, and enhance the advancement of women in strength and conditioning and related professions. Mentor Qualifications: 3+ years of professional experience and NSCA certified. For persons in education/research, a Master’s degree or higher is also required. Mentee Qualifications: Open to learn, actively pursuing a career in strength and conditioning and/or related profession. The program will run for 6 months. There will be monthly large group workshops for all participants. There is an expectation mentors-mentees also conduct a 1-on-1 meeting each month. Applications are open for both female mentees and mentors.

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