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Instilling a Warrior Culture – A Guide for Developing a Unit Combatives Program

March 15, 2024

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to guide tactical leaders in their development of a unit combatives program (UCP).

TSAC Facilitators Program design Professional Development Combative Army Drill Spar Tactical Athlete

SCJ 46.1 Selection of Key Performance Indicators for Your Sport and Program: Proposing a Complementary Process- Driven Approach

Quiz CATD 0.2

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are commonplace in business and sport. They offer an objective means to link data and processes with performance outcomes. Yet, their application in sports performance, particularly team sports, is not without issue. Here, we review 4 key issues relating to KPI application in team sports; lack of a universal definition, complexity of performance, drifting from on-field performance goals with off-field targets, and agency issues across different key stakeholders. With these issues relating to sports performance KPIs in mind, we propose a complementary approach to help practitioners focus on implementing the conditions that create performance environments and opportunities for success in a complex sporting environment. Ongoing process trackers (OPTs) are quantifiable measures of the execution of behaviors and processes that create the environments, cultures, and conditions for successful performance outcomes. This approach equips sports science practitioners with key questions they can ask themselves and their team when starting to select and use OPTs in their program.

Concurrent Cognitive and Physical Fitness Training – Part Two

March 29, 2024

Article Members Only

This article builds upon a previous article on the potential benefits personal trainers can offer clients by combining both cognitive and physical training.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Professional Development

Establishing Confidence and Buy-In Into – A New Performance Program in Non-Traditional Settings

March 29, 2024

Article Members Only

This article is a personal perspective that focuses on methods that can be used to establish confidence in the performance program in non-traditional environments.

Coaches Program design Professional Development Buy-In Success Programming Confidence Leadership

SCJ 46.2 A Conceptual Framework of Different Eccentric Training Methods

Quiz CATD 0.2

Various methods of eccentric training that aim to increase muscle mass or reduce ground contact time during a landing task have been extensively researched and practically examined. However, multiple methods to implement eccentric training currently exist; they differ in execution and intended training adaptions. There is a clear differentiation between an eccentric muscle action and an eccentric motion whereby a motion alludes to a downward movement of an exercise. The proposed eccentric motions are dissipating eccentrics, deceleration eccentrics, overcoming eccentrics, maximal eccentrics, and rebound eccentrics. These motions formulate into training methods and cues to allow practitioners to clearly differentiate the various eccentric training methods used in research and practice. This review proposes a new conceptual framework that clearly outlines the different forms of eccentric motions that fall into a desired eccentric training method.

Peer Reviewer Application

Peer Reviewers apply their knowledge and experience to assess the quality of strength and conditioning educational programs that have applied for CASCE accreditation. Working in teams of three, Peer Reviewers conduct assessments by visiting institutions to evaluate and validate the information provided in the program’s self-study.

Accreditation Review Committee Application

The CASCE Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) is a working committee that reports to the CASCE Board of Directors. The ARC is responsible for comprehensive reviews of programs seeking CASCE accreditation. Members of the ARC synthesize data and information contained in a program’s self-study, site visit report, program response, and progress report to determine compliance with the CASCE Professional Standards and Guidelines. The ARC also makes recommendations to the CASCE Board of Directors regarding accreditation action.

Standards Committee Application

The CASCE Standards Committee is a working committee that reports to the CASCE Board of Directors (BOD). This group is responsible for review related to the professional standards and guidelines for clarification and to make recommendations to the CASCE BOD related to standard language, revisions, glossary, etc. The Standards Committee will bring forward suggestions after receiving public comment on proposed changes and work closely with the ARC, stakeholders, and staff to gather data on standards that are new, unclear, or challenging.

CASCEBOD Practitioner Application

Our governing body, the CASCE Board of Directors, guides our efforts and accreditation practices. The Board is comprised of nine members: three Educators in Strength and Conditioning Programs, two Practitioners, one Public member, one Administrator, one NSCA Affiliate Representative, and one NSCA Board-Appointed Representative. Additionally, the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer serve as Officers. Directors serve a term of three years and may serve no more than two full consecutive terms.

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