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(757 found)

Compensatory Stabilization—The Extension/Compression Stabilizing Strategy—Part 2

April 1, 2016

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Strength and conditioning coaches that temper their posterior chain exercises with some threshold training and specific trunk exercises designed to break the extension/compression stabilization strategy (ECSS) to restore proper stabilizing strategies may find their athletes will move better, get injured less, and actually perform better.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design stabilization ECSS stabilization strategy extension/compression

The Evolution of Red and Infrared Light Therapy in Modern Times

June 7, 2024


The aim of this article is to share with strength and conditioning coaches how red light therapy has evolved from its early beginnings to contemporary times, as well as to address the many benefits for athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Red Light Therapy Sleep Endurance Inflammation Mental Health

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 88: Ryan Metzger


Ryan Metzger, Senior Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for Clemson University, talks to the NSCA Coaching Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about their internship program going virtual amidst the pandemic to provide young strength coaches the education they need to grow despite the lack of in-person training. Topics of discussion also include early sport specialization and burnout, as well as being a role model for female athletes. Find Ryan on Instagram: @clemsonolystrength or @coach_metz | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

The Intersection of Therapy and Performance with the Oklahoma City Thunder

January 13, 2020


From the 2019 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Andrew Paul, Senior Athletic Performance Coach for the Oklahoma City Thunder in the National Basketball Association (NBA), discusses the importance of the emerging role of the dual-credentialed physical therapist/strength and conditioning specialist and identifies communication strategies to help facilitate good relationships and player transitions between the medical and performance teams.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Positioning Patterning Mobilization Reload Reinforce

The Experience of Programming: The Why, the How, and the Now

September 23, 2019

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Former Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach for Edinburgh Rugby, Ashley Jones, discusses ways to simplify a complex world of programming. Jones lays a foundation of how to construct training programs that relate to the current training environment and how to develop a taxonomy of exercise variations and training methods to assist coaches with the “why,” “when,” and “how” of programming.

Coaches Program design Program Design Order of Exercise Methods Exercise Selection Split Routines

NSCA Foundation Announces New Memorial Scholarship


The NSCA Foundation is honored to announce the creation of the Markus Paul Memorial Scholarship.

Using LTAD to Program for a Middle School Athlete and a High School Athlete: Part 2 – Creating a Developmentally-Appropriate Strength and Conditioning Program

January 28, 2019


This second article of a two-part series continues the discussion of long-term athletic development (LTAD). This article provides practical application of the LTAD principles by examining two sample programs.

Coaches Nutrition Program design Organization and Administration LTAD Long Term Athletic Development Youth Training Youth Sports Program Design Peak Height Velocity hs-coaching

Obstacle to Enhancement: How Overcoming Adversity in Troubled Times Can Lead to Improved Coaching

August 20, 2021

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From the 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, Dan Dalrymple, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for New Orleans Saints National Football League (NFL) team since 2006, shares wisdom from his experience in the field. This includes the realities of coaching in the NFL and how he used the setbacks of the pandemic to drive positive change and opportunities.

Coaches Professional Development NFL Pandemic Professional Development Growth

NSCA’s Northeast Region


NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state and provincial level. NSCA’s Northeast Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state and provincial directors. Members in the Northeast Region can connect at local and regional events as well as on Facebook to others in this area.

Building Better Athletes Through Increased Self-Confidence

July 1, 2016

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Planning and designing training programs for a new group of athletes (e.g., a new recruiting class or a new coaching job) can be problematic without a base level understanding of the athletes’ current skill levels. This article describes one system that can be used to determine an athlete's self-confidence on different exercises.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength training strength and conditioning program design self-confidence Sports Psychology hs-coaching

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