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Sliding Toward Sochi—Part I: A Review of Programming Tactics Used During the 2010–2014 Quadrennial

June 1, 2014

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This article provides an overview of the sporting demands of the bobsled competition in the Sochi Olympic Games, and how the theoretical basis of training attempted to meet these requirements.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength training for bobsled push athletes strength and conditioning for bobsled sliding sport training Bobsled training

JOP Matrix—Application to Lacrosse

January 1, 2016

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Ultimately, there is no “one magical exercise” that can be programmed to appropriately develop all physical training adaptations required in competition, but the JOP Matrix can be used to help address several necessary adaptations needed for lacrosse players.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning strength training lacrosse matrix JOP matrix jump to hop

Athlete Safety


The top concern of strength coaches should always be athlete safety. For this reason, the NSCA has compiled a list of resources to raise the standard of care when working as a strength coach at any level. By reading and sharing these examples of standards and guidelines, policies and procedures, position statements on vital topics, mental health best practices, and more, strength coaches can push to increase the safety of athletes around the world.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 21: Tim Caron


Hear from strength and conditioning coach, Tim Caron, on his path from collegiate strength and conditioning into a unique private sector business model in the Los Angeles, CA area. Caron connects with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, to discuss the potential role of sport science in the private sector with general population clients. This episode is full of training insights for coaches to re-engage their thought process around working with groups and teams. In addition, Caron shares the origins of his new book, Strength Deficit, on considerations for concentric and eccentric strength training. You can reach Tim on Instagram at @coachtimcaron or Twitter at @coachtimcaron | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Lilly Bernardi - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 13


In this episode, Lilly Bernardi, Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Hofstra University, talks to Eric McMahon, the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, about her journey from being an athlete to becoming a coach. Bernardi shares sentiments over losing her senior lacrosse season as a college athlete during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it has fueled her motivational approach in coaching. The episode highlights the importance of building confidence as a young professional and adopting a growth mindset for career development. Additionally, the conversation delves into social media etiquette for coaches in the age of information sharing. Connect with Lilly on Instagram: @lilly_bernardi1 or by email: lilly.a.bernardi@hofstra.edu| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

The French Contrast Method – Theory and Application

April 7, 2023

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the theory behind the French Contrast Method (FCM), current evidence demonstrating its effectiveness, as well as proper implementation and execution for athletic populations.

Coaches Program design French Contrast Method Plyometrics Power Velocity Rate of Force Development

Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 3 – Conditioning Training

September 11, 2020

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This is the third and final article of a series on strength training practices for rowing and will focus on the energy systems development of rowing athletes.

Coaches Program design Rowing Energy Systems Development Heart Rate Breathing Strategies

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