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Developing Strength, Power, and Endurance in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Athlete

October 27, 2023

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This article seeks to help coaches understand the demands of Brazilian jiu jitsu on athletes, as well as appropriate training strategies to improve performance potential.

Coaches Program design Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Grip Strength Grappling Maximum Aerobic Speed

Integrating Safer Tackling Cues in the Weight Room

April 1, 2014

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Integrating weight room cues that are more consistent with those used to reinforce safer tackling techniques on the field may help with athlete retention and buy-in, and prevent potential confusion.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Safety coaching cues safe tackling football strength and conditioning weight training

Justin Lovett | Gathering Infinity Stones


What does it take to become an award-winning Director of Strength and Conditioning in the National Football League (NFL)? Justin Lovett reveals the “we over me” mentality that guides his role with the Los Angeles Rams. Lovett reflects on receiving the 2024 NSCA Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award after being an NSCA Member for over 20 years. He draws parallels between working with high school and NFL athletes — where the desired training responses are the same and ability levels vary — making versatility key. Lovett also stresses the importance of finding clean and effective training methods to accommodate wear and tear in football athletes. He compares the Rams’ hiring philosophy to gathering “infinity stones,” emphasizing character attributes, culture alignment, and staff chemistry. Lovett and NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager Eric McMahon discuss progressing into leadership and the rise of performance director roles, as well as how to seek out career and networking opportunities. Connect with Justin on Instagram: @strcoachlovett, Twitter/X: @justin_lovett, or LinkedIn: Justin Lovett | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Why Strength and Conditioning Coaches Should Take Play Seriously

March 13, 2018

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Athletic performance can be enhanced through the use of implementing various unstructured, semi-structured, and structured play from the 12 types of play. These can be performed in the weight room, at a sports practice, or even at home.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD youth training play

From Basic to Dynamic – Medicine Ball Training for the Multi-Sport High School Athlete

October 18, 2024

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This article provides medicine ball exercise progressions to help build athleticism in youth athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Coordination Power Athleticism Medicine Balls High School

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 18: Tommy Moffitt


Hear from iconic strength and conditioning coach Tommy Moffitt as he debriefs on important lessons learned over a 34-year collegiate coaching career. Moffitt shares his perspective on the importance of training weightlifting movements, with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, and how these methods became an important element of “LSU Way” over an impressive two decades at the University. Topics include the development of young coaches, advice for landing an internship, and shared challenges we face in the strength and conditioning profession. In addition, Moffitt shares a new project he is currently working, the “Moffitt Method”, a new strength and conditioning and education service founded in 2022. Reach out to Tommy on Instagram: @tommymoffitt, Twitter: @TommyMoffitt, or by email at | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Common Injuries in Ice Hockey – Strength and Conditioning Considerations

October 6, 2023


This article will focus on three common areas of injuries that occur with ice hockey players and some recommended strategies for the strength and conditioning professional.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Ice Hockey Acromioclavicular Joint Adductor Strain Mobility Medial Collateral Ligament

Dumbbell Training and the Competitive Athlete

June 2, 2023

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This article provides a first-hand account of the usage and benefits of dumbbell training programs with athletes.

Coaches Program design Dumbbells Weightlifting Stability Coordination

Eccentric and Movement-Specific Training for the Aging Racquetball Player

June 1, 2017

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Racquetball consists of various movements and has different training styles and techniques that target particular skills that can affect an aging player’s performance. The drills in this article are designed to strengthen and coordinate the lower extremity muscle groups for the aging racquetball player.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach Racquetball strength and conditioning mature athletes

Nicole Fowler - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 10


This episode of the NSCA Coaching Podcast features Nicole Fowler, the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Phillips Exeter Academy. Fowler connects with the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Staff, Eric McMahon and Kevin Gregory, about transitioning from collegiate coaching, at Merrimack University and the University of Denver, to now working in a high school. Learn what it means to be “unembarassable” in your coaching and how that helps your strength and conditioning program. The impact of the high school strength and conditioning coach extends far beyond weight room in this episode. Tune in to learn more about programming for high school student-athletes and training insights for youth during the pre-college formative years. Connect with Nicole on Instagram at @nicolesampson104 and @phillips_exeter_strength | Reach out to Eric and Kevin on Instagram at @ericmcmahoncscs and @coachgregorystrength

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