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(757 found)

From the Field Two-Part Series: Part 1 – The Benefits of Alternative Licensure for Strength and Conditioning Coaches Pursuing Physical Education Teaching

March 1, 2024

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This article will explore the benefits of alternative licensure programs for strength and conditioning coaches aspiring to become physical education teachers.

Coaches Professional Development Physical Education K-12 Fundamental Movement Patterns Health and Wellness

Acute to Chronic Workload Ratio Monitoring for Athlete Performance

November 1, 2015

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High chronic workloads have been shown to be associated with a reduced risk of non-contact, soft tissue injuries, while large spikes in acute training loads have been associated with an increased risk of these types of injury. Analyzing the acute:chronic workload ratio allows a coach to optimize training for the athlete and to continue in advancing fitness goals without overtraining.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning exercise program design overtraining workload

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 114: Joe Kenn and Peter Kenn


Learn about pursuing strength and conditioning roles from father and son, Joe Kenn and Peter Kenn. Joe “Big House” Kenn brings perspectives on program leadership from over 35 years in the strength and conditioning profession. Joe’s son Peter, a recent graduate in the field and Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at United States Military Academy West Point, shares his story of learning the profession from a young age with his dad coaching in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Football League (NFL). Tune in to hear dinner table conversation, as Joe and Peter connect with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, in an episode that bridges coaching generations. Find Joe on Instagram: @bighousepower or Twitter: @bighousepower | Find Peter on Instagram: @peterkenn1 or Twitter: @peterkenn1 | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Great Lakes Region


NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state and provincial level. NSCA’s Great Lakes Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state and provincial directors. Members in the Great Lakes Region can connect at local and regional events as well as on Facebook to others in this area.

Developing Mental Skills in Athletes

August 24, 2018

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Strength and conditioning professionals should consider mental skills training when creating a training program to maximize performance. Developing mental skills is a very long and challenging process; however, the benefits are worth it. Utilizing these skills will put the athlete in a position to succeed in sport, as well as life.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Developing Mental Skills Mental Skills Training Mental Skills in Youth Training hs-coaching

Development of Biomotor Abilities for Soccer

January 1, 2013

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Gain insight into the interactions between strength, power, speed, and agility for soccer players. Also, learn basic programing guidelines that adhere to current research.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design exercise programming soccer drills strength training for soccer soccer training speed soccer

The Landmine Press—Implementation and Variation

April 1, 2016

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One method that is becoming increasingly popular for building strength, stability, and power in the shoulder joint is the use of barbells attached to a stable base known as a “landmine.”

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength training shoulder stability landmine press shoulder strength

Teaching for Skill Acquisition in Fitness – Best Practices for Fitness Pedagogy

April 16, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to present pedagogical content knowledge to personal trainers aimed to enhance client performance and satisfaction.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development Skill Acquisition Observation Feedback Fitness Pedagogy

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 17: Andy Galpin


Andy Galpin, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Center for Sports Performance at Cal State Fullerton, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about the roles of science and technology in sport.

Coaches Professional Development

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