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(453 found)

The 8 Main Movement Patterns – A Programming Framework for Tactical Strength and Conditioning

July 2, 2021

Article Members Only

This article details the rationale for making the eight main movements the foundation of tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Movement Patterns Jumping Tactical Athlete Medicine Ball TSAC-F

Performance Under Stress – Implications for Tactical Personnel

March 10, 2023

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This article discusses performance under stress, as well as factors influencing this performance in tactical personnel.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Tactical Personnel Stress Emergency Responders Cognition Military

Sleep Hygiene Strategies for Tactical Athletes

April 1, 2016


Tactical athletes, due to the nature of their jobs, may have sleeping problems (such as falling asleep and/or staying asleep) which is indicative of poor sleep quality. This article shares sleep hygiene strategies that can help tactical athletes achieve better rest.

TSAC Facilitators Program design tactical strength and conditioning tsac rest sleep quality test sleep hygiene sleep

Heart Rate Variability Useful in Monitoring Fitness and Training Responses in Tactical Athletes

September 1, 2016

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HRV is thought to provide objective insight into understanding fatigue, “trainability,” and “readiness” to perform in athletic populations. Evolving access to HRV data may enhance the understanding of individualized fitness and training responses in tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease hrv Monitoring Fitness Training Load Tactical Athlete TSAC

Road to Nowhere: The Military’s Unhealthy Obsession with Running

August 5, 2019


During 2018 TSAC Annual Training, the NSCA’s own Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Manager, Nate Palin, discusses his personal and professional take on running in the military setting. Here Palin identifies the pros, risks, and shortcomings associated with run-centric physical training for special operations forces, as well as discusses more safe and efficient strength and conditioning alternatives to running-based fitness programs for these tactical operators.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Aerobic Endurance Running Specificity Injury Prevention Mission

Develop the Basic Movement Patterns before Training for Specificity

June 1, 2017

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Instead of tactical athletes initially focusing on training programs that address specific aspects, training programs should emphasize proper movement patterns as a foundation before progressing.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Training for movement patterns exercise program design TSAC

NSCA Tactical Annual Training


Maximize Tactical Readiness & Resilience: Propel Your Strength & Conditioning Career and Support Those Who Serve

Applied Periodization in Shoulder Injury for the Tactical Athlete—Part 1

July 1, 2016

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An organized, science-based, and evidence-based periodized program that is guided by capable and competent professionals is the most efficient and effective way to accomplish the task of returning from a shoulder injury to full active duty. The concepts of periodization paired with evidence-based strength and conditioning interventions provides the framework needed for tactical facilitators to accomplish this task.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease tactical strength and conditioning TSAC periodization rehab shoulder injury

Recovery Methods for the Tactical Athlete

May 1, 2016

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Learn how to identify the risks to an athlete’s health and safety associated with overtraining, as well as how to help the athlete to return to normal when they have reached overtraining/fatigue. Bryan Mann, PhD, discusses recovery methods for the tactical athlete in this talk from the 2016 NSCA TSAC Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety Bryan Mann Recovery for Tactical athlete TSAC Overtraining Fatigue Health and Safety

Strategies Aimed at Optimizing Mental Recovery from Training and Occupational Performance

April 30, 2021


The purpose of this article is to provide education surrounding the importance of recovery in tactical populations, identify key aspects of the mental recovery process, and identify strategies Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitators® (TSAC-F®) can implement to promote mental recovery when working with athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Mental Recovery TSAC-F Tactical Athletes Relaxation Stress Management

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