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(453 found)

Shoulder Taps – A Novel Time-Efficient Screening Tool for Tactical Operators

October 21, 2019

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This article presents the shoulder taps, which could serve as a more time-efficient screening tool for tactical operators. Although this article will present the shoulder taps as an assessment modality, it may be expanded upon and prescribed as an exercise for the purpose of improving trunk, hip, and shoulder stability.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Movement Pattern Screening Tool FMS Tactical Operators

Exercise Programming for Tactical Athletes Suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

April 24, 2017

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 TSAC Annual Training, Mick Stierli discusses the new 12-week structured exercise program for law enforcement that was recently implemented in New South Wales, Australia. Stierli explains how to integrate a similar program into an organization and how to gain buy-in from tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease TSAC Tactical Athlete PTSD Programming for Mental Health and Stress Related Disorders Mental Health

Show Me the Money – How to Make Your Business Case for Tactical Fitness

May 1, 2015

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Even the best programs need to demonstrate their value in order to be supported by upper management, supervisors, and employees. In this session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training, Gaëtan Girard provides arguments and tools that can help build a case for a tactical fitness program within an organization.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development strength and conditioning Business Tactical TSAC Fitness

Post-Injury Training to Essential Job Demands for Firefighters

April 15, 2022


This article explores a return to duty program for the tactical facilitator to implement with injured firefighters.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Firefighter Occupational Performance Job Tasks Return to Duty

Specificity and the Tactical Athlete

September 30, 2022


This article discusses using the principle of specificity as an important component in tactical training programs to enhance performance, decrease injuries, and improve functional longevity of a tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Movement Sleep Nutrition Training Load Specificity

The Components of Recovery for Tactical Operators

November 18, 2022

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This article uses relevant research and literature to provide suggestions for optimal recovery in tactical operators.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Sleep Nutrition Stress Fitness Skill Training

Boots on the Ground: What Have We Learned? A Retrospect on the Past 10 Years Working as a TSAC-F

October 15, 2018


The tactical strength and conditioning field is evolving each year. Because of the experience of those in the field, as well as the growing body of research, we are gaining a better understanding of what it actually means to work within the tactical field.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development TSAC TSAC-F Tactical Athlete Strength and Conditioning

Needs Analysis for a Tactical Athlete

March 25, 2019


Learn the basics of conducting a needs analysis for tactical athletes based on the athlete’s goals and desired outcomes, assessments, limitations on workout frequency and duration, equipment availability, health and injury status, and occupational physiological demands.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Tactical Needs Analysis TSAC-F

Not Adding Up – Why Gravitational Running Techniques May Not Biomechanically Equal Speed

December 3, 2021

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This article seeks to provide some insight to optimal biomechanics in running technique and why normal gravitational techniques may not suit tactical athletes while load-bearing.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Tactical Athlete Kinematics Running Technique Gravitational Running Techniques Biomechanics

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