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Effects of Core Instability on Muscle Activity

February 25, 2019


This Kinetic Select from Developing the Core reviews the effects of muscle activity when performing exercises on unstable surfaces.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Core Development Stability Agonist Antagonist Muscle Activity

Implications of Speed in Baseball

June 1, 2017


It is apparent that speed plays a vital role in successful baseball performance. Because of the short distances involved in the game, players rarely, if ever, achieve maximum speed and in actuality, it is acceleration that plays a much greater role in baseball.

Coaches Exercise Science baseball training speed acceleration

Client Consultation

May 1, 2017


During the initial interview, the personal trainer and client assess compatibility, develop goals, and establish a client-trainer agreement.

Personal trainers Program design Personal training Personal training certification personal training client consultation how to become a personal trainer personal trainer client consult fitness assessment


November 17, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness aims to provide a snapshot of programming volleyball-specific agility and quickness sessions.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Volleyball Quickness Speed Agility Jumping Hops

TSAC-F how to prepare


One of the most common questions received is, "How do I prepare for the TSAC-F exam"? Since candidates come from wide and varied backgrounds, we recommend a few different approaches to studying for the TSAC-F exam. Learn more about preparing for the TSAC-F exam.

William J. Kraemer Outstanding Sport Scientist Award


Recipients of the William J. Kraemer Outstanding Sport Scientist Award are recognized for exemplary contributions and breakthroughs in the field of applied exercise and sport science.

Compartmentalizing Physical Training: The Data is on the “Floor”

February 29, 2020


From the 2019 Tactical Annual Training, Rob Hartman reminds coaches that with all the technology out there, coaching the moment can still provide all the data you need. Hartman discusses how to use the data to understand the population, the individual, yourself, and coaching efforts.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Soldiers TSAC Technology Strength Aerobic Data

Building Injury Free Tactical Athletes: A Repeatable Model for Police Academy

February 11, 2019

Video Members Only

This 2018 TSAC Annual Training video features Charles Kornhauser and Ryan Holmes discussing their experience in identifying the challenges in physical training for police recruits, and their development of programs based on task analysis and injury prevention for individuals in the academy.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration Tactical Police Injury Prevention Police Academy Strength Training

Integrating Motor Patterns into Exercise for Performance and Prevention

November 1, 2014


In this session from the 2014 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Barton Bishop explains how to utilize the body’s natural way of learning movement. This will help athletes become more efficient at movement for improvements in exercise and athletic performance, and help in preventing future injuries.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design athlete monitoring strength and conditioning Injury Prevention Movement Efficiency Athletic Performance

The Promises and Perils of Academic Life: Perspectives of Women in Science

May 27, 2013


This article provides guidance for women on the steps involved in an academic career, including earning graduate and terminal degrees and obtaining tenure and promotions at universities.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Women in Strength and Conditioning CSCS Academics Careers in Strength and Conditioning

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