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Tapering and Peaking

March 18, 2019


This excerpt from Developing Endurance goes over tapering and peaking in aerobic training for competition.

Coaches Program design Endurance Tapering Peaking Competition

The Innovation Process in Sport Science

March 1, 2021


This is an excerpt from NSCA's Essentials of Sport Science by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association, Duncan N. French & Lorena Torres-Ronda.

Trainer Tips: Is Spot Reduction a Thing?

May 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Trainer Tips are infographics designed to help you, an NSCA professional, educate clients and promote your services. These member-only resources can be used for client education, motivation, and promotion.

Coaches Exercise Science trainer tips spot reduction infographics

Loading and Unloading Strategies: Managing All Variables within a Comprehensive Program

June 19, 2020


Joel Raether, Director of Sport Performance at Authentic Performance Center, uses this session to take a closer look at how all variables within a program must be addressed to account for cumulative fatigue, density of variables within, and how to manage stressors for the tactical athlete with high demands for physical, mental, physiological, and emotional stress.

TSAC Facilitators Program design TSAC-F Stress Recovery Grip Strength Programming Tactical

A Woman’s Worth: How to Help Female Clients Improve Their Body Image

April 17, 2020


In this session from NSCA’s 2019 National Conference, Molly Galbraith, Woman-in-Charge at Girls Gone Strong, discusses barriers of body image and explains the impact a health professional can have. This session also provides actionable tools to help clients improve their body image and feel safer, stronger, and more confident in their body.

Personal trainers Coaches Professional Development Body Image Strength Professional Development Building Relationships

Firefighter Perceived Fitness: Implications for Injury Risk and Training Program Development

May 1, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA TSAC Annual Training, Katie Sell discusses current research on how perceived fitness in firefighters may be related to injury prevalence (on-duty and in training) and provide recommendations on how tactical facilitators can decrease adverse repercussions of inaccurately perceived fitness levels (e.g., injury, overtraining, and job-related preparation).

TSAC Facilitators Program design Safety TSAC Tactical Strength and Conditioning Firefighter Injury prevention

Cluster Sets - Current Methods for Introducing Variations to Training Sets

June 25, 2016


Learn about cluster sets, and how they can be used in program design for optimal athletic development. Greg Haff, President of the NSCA, shares examples of various set structures in this session from the NSCA 2016 National Conference.

Coaches Program design weight training cluster sets strength and conditioning program design

Teaching Structural Integration and Movement Efficiency

November 1, 2014

Video Members Only

In this hands-on session from the 2014 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Johnny Gillespie teaches simple ways to cue, feel, and teach others how their body is designed to move as a single cohesive unit. From this experience, assessment for both the personal trainer and client becomes a moment-to-moment and movement-to-movement process.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design injury avoidance strength and conditioning Movement Efficiency Structural Integrity Personal Trainer

Show Me the Money – How to Make Your Business Case for Tactical Fitness

May 1, 2015

Video Members Only

Even the best programs need to demonstrate their value in order to be supported by upper management, supervisors, and employees. In this session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training, Gaëtan Girard provides arguments and tools that can help build a case for a tactical fitness program within an organization.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development strength and conditioning Business Tactical TSAC Fitness

Bodyweight Progression to the One-Arm Push-Up

October 29, 2016

Video Members Only

Learn to identify and understand the key factors of movement competency and skill acquisition, and how to develop an effective motor learning process using foundational movement patterns. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Personal Trainers Conference, Joe Sansalone explains how improving motor control and foundational movement patterns leads to optimal one-arm push-up skill acquisition.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design progressions bodyweight exercise strength and conditioning push-up

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