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How to Integrate the Use of Data into Your Overall Performance Strategy

December 11, 2020

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From the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Brian Buck, Director of Sports, and Bryce Patterson, Director of Education at Sparta Science, discuss how to understand data, create a repeatable and scalable system to address goals, and create a feedback loop to assess the effectiveness of a program.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Data Relative Strength Testing Intent Load Impulse Feedback

Developing a Full, High-Performance Program from the Ground Up

May 1, 2015


A high-performance program brings a team of rehabilitation and performance professionals together under a common set of principles directed toward success. In this session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training, Charlie Weingroff discusses how to create a high-performance program that can be highly successful and valuable.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design High Performance Programming Strength and Conditioning Program Design

Training the “Post Youth” Client

May 1, 2015


The aging athlete and office worker are both being cramped into body positions that not ideal. People in these situations could greatly benefit from some daily exercises to perform to overcome these issues. In this hands-on session, attendees will be given some simple movements that can be adapted for anyone and any situation.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Athletic Development Strength and Conditioning Daily Exercise

New Paradigm for Personal Trainers Seeking Excellence

May 1, 2015

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"Can personal trainers cure disease?" Phil Kaplan asks during the 2014 Personal Trainers Conference as he talks about shifting the perception of personal trainers towards something greater. What if personal trainers addressed the largest market in a way that they have never been helped before? Join Phil as he discusses big ideas.

Coaches push-up strength and conditioning bodyweight exercise progressions

Periodized Nutrition and Metabolic Flexibility for Special Operators

April 1, 2014

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The extent to which a special operator’s training schedule can be planned in advance is often limited due to their unpredictable operational demands. However, there may be opportunities to plan for specific training during certain periods.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition sports nutrition periodization tactical athlete military athlete; tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

Concurrent Cognitive and Physical Fitness Training – Part Two

March 29, 2024

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This article builds upon a previous article on the potential benefits personal trainers can offer clients by combining both cognitive and physical training.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Professional Development

Using Lactate Threshold Data

February 25, 2022


This excerpt explains the role that lactate plays in exercise metabolism and how that information is useful for athletes to predict things like pacing, fitness, and efficacy of training programs.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Lactate Threshold ATP Glycogen Stores Marathon

Caffeine Use in Tactical Athletes

April 2, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to discuss caffeine use in tactical populations and provide recommendations for responsible consumption.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Caffeine Coffee Tea Energy Drink Tactical Athlete Dose and Timing

Concurrent Cognitive and Physical Fitness Training

December 8, 2023

Article Members Only

This article presents general information suggesting physical training as a means for improving cognitive fitness.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Cognitive Fitness Personal Training Psychological Training

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